Frank Turner has consistently proven himself to be one of the greatest songwriters of his generation, with an long and soul-filled back catalogue of folk-punk anthems. The former Million Dead frontman has seen huge success with his six solo albums and world-renowned live shows, with his spectacular band The Sleeping...
In the past, when artists wished to release a single it had to be distributed nationwide and carved into wax… now you can record a new song on your iPhone and boom, it’s available worldwide, everywhere. As such, some of the very best tracks released by some of our...
Women have, unsurprisingly for a demographic that accounts for more than half the world’s population, contributed some sizeable amount to our musical cultural cache. But when lists of the greatest artists to ever live posited, or even figureheads of vast swathes of genres we use to divide them named…...
It would be easy to call Lana Del Rey all style and no substance. Actually I have been for five years; her image as a musician is impeccable, probably the best in the world right now – every image she releases, every album cover and title, is deeply evocative...
IMPACT is proud to bring you our very own monthly Notts Gig Guide. With so much great live music around, we’re here to modestly recommend the biggest and best from around the city that you should check out over the next month. Friday 2nd – Peace (+ Splashh + Yak) //...
The recent election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party has sparked one of the largest scale political debates we’ve seen all summer. Across the social media battle ground, shots have been fired, quite literally, left, right and center. Impact Comment reviews the oh so wide ranging opinions...
Nina Simone is a unique voice in the annuls of soul history. Trained as a classical pianist in segregated North Carolina, and retaining a desire to perform such material while upholding one of the most acclaimed vocal jazz careers of the sixties. Her war-like persona is almost as famous...