• Film Review – Victoria

    The long-shot is a filmmaking technique that has found itself back in vogue in the past few years. Knowing what one even is would normally be the kind of technicality confined to the likes of film-student Geekdom. The use of an extended take across a series of locations which...
  • Album Review: M83 – Junk

    Snobbery is a strange thing in music. Many of those guilty of it also tend to be the ones most vehemently speaking against it. ‘Cool’ is another facet of culture for which a project is often debased for being without. Anyone who knows Andy Warhol understands that somebody can openly embrace...
  • Album Review: PJ Harvey – The Hope Six Demolition Project

    PJ Harvey spent a number of years preparing for her latest record. Alongside photographer and filmmaker Seamus Murphy, the English musician travelled to Afghanistan, Kosovo and certain parts of Washington DC in order to learn about the effects of poverty and war. This field-trip led to the release of...
  • Album Review: The Last Shadow Puppets – Everything You’ve Come to Expect

    Back in 2008, Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner and former Rascals/ Little Flames frontman Miles Kane released The Age of the Understatement, under the band name The Last Shadow Puppets. Eight years later, with Alex taking a break from Arctic Monkeys duties, he and Miles are back with this...
  • Album Review: Raleigh Ritchie – You’re A Man Now, Boy

    I first came across Raleigh Ritchie through watching Game of Thrones in which he plays the fearless slave warrior Grey Worm. However, one day a friend of mine pointed out that he was also a recording artist, and a great one at that. The first song I heard from...
  • Live Review: Wolf Alice, Rock City (23/03/2016)

    After winning the award of Best Live Band 2016 by the NME, I was eager to find out if Wolf Alice’s sold out show at Rock City would justify the hype. Preparing myself by dabbing some glitter around my eyes, I ventured out to experience their shoegaze/indie-grunge album, My Love Is...
  • Album Review: BJ The Chicago Kid – Into My Mind

    BJ the Chicago Kid, as you may have guessed, is a Chicago native. He learnt how to sing and play instruments in church and as a result, has developed an extremely soulful voice that has graced many rap songs since the beginning of his career. Many first heard BJ the...