You wake up. It's a chilly autumn morning, you put on your wooliest hat and gloves and your warmest winter jacket, only to walk to university or work and arrive at your destination sweating in 20-degree heat and infuriated at your earlier fashion choices. October so far has seen...
Imogen Bayman The dreaded 9am lecture, a thought that makes students quiver. But fear not, these early starts to our day don’t need to be such a travesty. One way I’ve been making my mornings more bearable is with my trusty overnight oats. I’m sure you’ve heard of them...
A discussion of the evidence supporting both the dangers of ingesting cannabis and the potential health benefits of doing so....
Vivika Sahajpal The famous first Monday of May, a glorious accumulation of insane levels of wealth, ostentation and magnificence, always sparks conversation, scrutiny and dissection from reviews of the guests’ attire to celebrity-centred conspiracy theories. The 2023 Met Gala theme was in honour of the late Karl Lagerfeld titled...
Natasha Phang-Lee Last week Natasha had the pleasure of taking a National Express coach back from London. Not so pleasurably, this mode of transport put her in the vicinity of some individuals who were very uneducated in the medium of coach etiquette. Natasha Phang-Lee gives a guide on how...
Roxann Yus Canada’s immigration policy is often touted as a model for other countries due to its reputation for welcoming immigrants and valuing multiculturalism. But beneath Canada’s sparkling pose on the international stage, there is an ongoing discourse about the treatment of indigenous communities. Who is really invited into...
Olivia Noronha For many of us, mistakes and failure are touchy subjects. It’s unpleasant to think about the idea that we are not reaching our full potential. We might become so afraid of the sting of regret that we desperately try to avoid making mistakes altogether, which is ironically...