• Date Night Restaurants in Notts

    Even though many of the restaurants below are currently closed due due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now's the perfect time to scout out where you and your S/O and/or pals are gonna get food as soon as we're allowed to leave our houses again. Megan's compiled a list of...
  • The Weird and Wonderful Myths for Combating the Coronavirus

    With the rate of coronavirus cases rising dramatically, so have the myths for combating this virus. Here are some of the myths confusing the world. Myth one: ‘Eating garlic can prevent you from getting the coronavirus’. This is an absolute myth! Even though garlic is believed to have antimicrobial...
  • Looking After Your Mental Health During Isolation 

    On March 11 2020, the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19, aka coronavirus, a pandemic. In order to reduce the spread of the virus, the government has ordered social isolation, and here at the University of Nottingham, and many other universities across the country, learning has been moved online. Many...
  • What COVID-19 Actually Does to the Body, and How Lethal It Can Be 

    From worried parents to curious schoolchildren, it’s not just the researchers that want to know what exactly coronavirus does to the body.  It may not come as a surprise that over £20 million has been allocated for research on coronavirus.   “This means that the cells stop their regular functions and start to...
  • The Surprising Health Benefits of Meditation 

    For centuries, meditation has served as a common way for people to clear away their stress and anxieties. Getting into a comfortable position, controlling our breathing, and allowing the rhythm of stillness to wash over us like an ocean wave are all steps we’ve taken, as a species, in our pursuit of peace.  Interestingly, though, no one really knows where the practice of meditation originates from – or even when it...
  • The Global Response to Covid-19: Compared

    The virus is the same, cripplingly contagious and potentially deadly, but the response's of government's internationally has varied incomparably. Impact's Ellie delves into these differences and compares the figures. ...
  • How has the Coronavirus Affected my Second Year of University?

    I thought my second year of university would be spent worrying about moving out of student accommodation, facing real 'adult' problems (like sorting out bills) and dealing with an incredibly tough workload. Turns out, I had far more on my plate to worry about than I thought. Something none...