A captivating and humorous, Once Upon a Crime was the perfect blend between murder mystery and comedy. The deeply detailed set, creative use of lighting, and witty dialogue engendered an immersive and playful production, unafraid to dabble in the meta for help in solving the crime or cracking a...
Christy Clark Ahead of Once Upon a Crime’s performance from the 23-26th of November at Studio Live, Impact‘s Christy Clark spoke to the production’s cast and writers. Last week, I sat down with some of the cast and crew of Once Upon a Crime…, a student production showing at Studio Live,...
On 9th September 2022, a modern-day Agatha Christie swept onto our cinema screens. It has been well-received by the public, and is a film full of energy and mystery. One of our reviewers, Will Stead, screened the film. Here are his thoughts....
Janice Hallett’s recently released book, The Appeal, arrived on bookshelves in the U.K. in 2021. Described by the Sunday Times as “A Modern Agatha Christie”, Hallett has created this twisty murder mystery through notably unconventional methods of writing. Hannah Walton-Hughes reviews....
After nearly two years of postponement due to the pandemic, the new re-make of Agatha Christie’s famous novel, ‘Death on the Nile’, graced cinemas on Friday 11th February 2022. The film is littered with stunning scenery and an all-star cast. Agatha Christie fan, Hannah Walton-Hughes comments on the latest...
Having heard rave reviews of The Mousetrap from my friends and peers, I was ecstatic to see the show for myself. Oddly, knowing extremely little about the longest running show in the world, I went into Agatha Christie’s most famous – though not her greatest – whodunit with high...
English Spanish show ‘Elite’ has hit the screens, and it has emerged to gain an elite status out of the newly added shows. Eight forty-five-minute episodes of highly executed thriller, but are there some familiar clichés? Like Riverdale, Elite is one of those shows that would grab our attention...