Megan Jackman A documentary based on the tragic death of young Elisa Lam, aged 21, but what is really tragic is how Netflix presents her story… The producers tactically maintained our attention by presenting her death as a chilling mystery This docu-series soon gained a social media presence leading...
Talia Krais What’s on everyone’s lips at the moment. Well of course the new Netflix smash hit Bridgerton alongside the never-ending excitement of lockdown! Jealous of the social interactions taking place in groups bigger than six, viewers of Bridgerton live vicariously through the promenades and parties, royals and rakes,...
Tylah Mofford Binge-watching has certainly boomed over recent months, years even, but with new series such as Disney’s Wandavision debuting weekly, is this coming to an end? For many, getting hooked on a new show on Netflix or elsewhere, has provided essential escapism from the real-world, especially during lockdowns....
Daria Paterek When Netflix announced a Winx adaptation, Fate: The Winx Saga – fans of the original cartoon were thrilled. They envisioned a return of a childhood classic filled with bright colours, girly outfits, and real diversity. However, upon the release of the trailer, the series was overcome with...
Córa-Laine Moynihan Since 2007, Ubisoft has been on a mission to capture the attention of gamers through one of its most popular franchises Assassin’s Creed. With the twelfth major instalment of it, AC: Valhalla, released earlier this month, Ubisoft accompanied this by announcing that a live-action series is in...
Emily Fletcher Ask yourself this: how often do you see Deaf characters depicted within mainstream media? And, if you managed to come up with some, how often were they only characterised by their deafness? Unfortunately, this is quite often the case, but model, actor, and now producer Nyle DiMarco, has...