• A Hero For Fun – One Punch Man and Superhero Subversion

    Think of your run-of-the-mill super-hero flick. Think of the hero’s origin. The hero’s motives. The hero’s powers.  Now flip all of that on its head. Voila. You have One Punch Man. The last decade has provided a boom in the superhero genre, with great content being produced across the...
  • Film Review: The Christmas Chronicles

    Like it or not, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. In the past, we have seen a range of Santas grace our screens at this time of year, from Richard Attenborough to Tim Allen, but now it is time for Kurt Russell to take the reins in...
  • TV Review: Daredevil – Season 3

    The original Netflix superhero series returns for its third outing, and demonstrates the art of simplicity with a scaled-back, but nonetheless engaging, tale about vengeance, betrayal and manipulation. Following his apparent death at the end of The Defenders in 2017, blind lawyer Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) proves to be very much...
  • Netflix’s The Witcher – is ‘race-swapping’ necessary?

    Following recent rumours that Netflix’s TV adaptation of a cherished video game series would cast a BAME actress in the role of a white-haired, white-skinned character, Ben discusses the complexities surrounding the controversy. Discussions surrounding the merits (and demerits) of casting BAME actors in traditionally white roles are as...
  • TV Review: Elite

    English Spanish show ‘Elite’ has hit the screens, and it has emerged to gain an elite status out of the newly added shows. Eight forty-five-minute episodes of highly executed thriller, but are there some familiar clichés? Like Riverdale, Elite is one of those shows that would grab our attention...
  • Netflix Review: Maniac

    This latest Netflix miniseries combines an all-star cast and a strong science fiction element to provide an intriguing interpretation of the future, while deftly balancing a very personal exploration of mental health. Yet despite the insightful direction and multi-faceted lead performances, the plot has a tendency for straying into...
  • Publishing: The Online Libraries of the Subscription Super-Highway

    You might think with the amount of media choice out there these days that the past-time of reading is dying, and the publishing industry is slumped to its knees, drowning in a puddle of ink-stained tears and begging for mercy. Well – think again. In the US alone, publishing...