Musicality’s annual production this year is inspired by the successful 1992 musical comedy film Sister Act which follows the story of Deloris Van Cartier. She is a club singer who aspires to become a star, a goal that is in jeopardy when she witnesses her thug boyfriend commit a...
Every year, a group of fourth year medical students collaborate to put on a stage production, known as the Medics’ Musical. This year, they are performing West Side Story, and Impact sat down with a few of those involved to talk about the experience. Meeting before their rehearsal, the...
Fame! is a musical that has the perfect mix of acting, singing and dancing. It’s infectious 80’s-themed music made me want to get up on stage and join in with the cast, so grab your neon clothing and leg-warmers before watching this production! The story follows a group of performing...
The Amateur Dramatics Society, UoN’s resident crew of theatrically-inclined medics, rarely disappoint with their annual Medic’ Musical, and this year was no exception! Expect laughs, impressive singing, and unexpected acrobatics in their rendition of the Pirates of Penzance, on show at the Nottingham Arts Theatre until the 26th November....
It’s that time of year when the nights are getting colder, and we all need a bit of pirate fun that will shiver our timbers! In this vein, Impact Arts spoke to Duncan McGregor, the director of this year’s annual Medic’s musical who answered our questions with a little...
From the opening note to the final reprise, Musicality’s production of Cole Porter’s Anything Goes swept their enchanted audience out of the plush theatre seats and aboard the SS American. Setting sail for London, an eclectic group of characters sang, danced and acted their way through an enthralling night of memorable musical...
With the new year comes the promise of an exciting new production from UoN’s award-winning musical theatre society, Musicality. Impact Arts caught up with the director of Anything Goes, Lucy Castle, to get the inside gossip on the show: After the success of last year’s The Producers, why have...