The Nottingham New Theatre’s production of The Tales of Alice perfectly reimagines Lewis Carroll’s classic story, with a new flair and contemporary twist. Written and directed by Farah Shah, and produced by Lily Hagen, the show offers a refreshed perspective on the beloved tale, blending Carroll’s chaotic and whimsical...
‘What do you desire most in this world?’ was the question posed by Nottingham New Theatre’s production of Doctor Faustus, and if your answer was captivating performances, beautiful set design and incredibly fetching masks, then this was the play for you. Emma Hornsby reviews....
A captivating and humorous, Once Upon a Crime was the perfect blend between murder mystery and comedy. The deeply detailed set, creative use of lighting, and witty dialogue engendered an immersive and playful production, unafraid to dabble in the meta for help in solving the crime or cracking a...
As the end of the world creeps closer and closer, humanity is put to the ultimate test. Only one radio station remains open for contact: a lifeline for the last people standing. The Canary is the final point of contact before the impending Armageddon. Emma Burnett reviews. ...
Christy Clark Ahead of Once Upon a Crime’s performance from the 23-26th of November at Studio Live, Impact‘s Christy Clark spoke to the production’s cast and writers. Last week, I sat down with some of the cast and crew of Once Upon a Crime…, a student production showing at Studio Live,...
Tabitha Smith The Nottingham New Theatre and Lakeside Arts present ‘fantasy land’ Romeo and Juliet, a fantastic and vibrant production opening on 2nd May. Tabitha Smith talked to some of the cast and production team to get some insight into how they’re bringing this timeless story to life. I...
From the 26th to the 28th of March Nottingham New theatre was home to a ‘queer, punk extravaganza’ in Nay Dhanak’s ‘Pain Threshold’. The story follows queer love and gender expression told via emotional monologue, quick wit, and punchy covers of Ezra Furman’s music. Impact’s Olivia Hughes Reviews....