• Look Out For… January

    A new month, a new year, a new set of films to look forward to. In Winston Churchill biopic Darkest Hour, Gary Oldman once again transforms himself in a performance that’s hotly tipped for awards glory. Speaking of which, the Bulgarian-Greek drama Glory depicts a platelayer (Stefan Denolyubov) who...
  • Trailer Watch: The Incredibles 2

    The Incredibles is, for most film viewers of a certain age, a very fondly-remembered film. Coming from the golden age of the ever-reliable animation studio Pixar, it charmed audiences with its hilarious script, exciting action scenes and still-great visuals. So it is with great anticipation that the trailer for...
  • Scrapbook – Ten Years On…

    In honour of the University of Nottingham’s very own NSTV celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, Impact are looking back at what else first appeared in 2007. We’ve compiled a list of ten things that are now ten years old, so get ready for a jump back into pop...
  • Unconventional: Why WALL-E Will Always Be Pixar’s Crowning Glory

    Disney Pixar has brought various magical fantasies into our homes for over twenty years, inventing enchanting creations such as Toy Story, Up and Finding Nemo, yet I am thoroughly convinced WALL-E is their finest work. No other motion picture reaches its majestic level of powerful depth, ambition and most...
  • “How Have You Never Seen…Toy Story 3?”

    (Warning: this article contains spoilers) Recently I found myself watching fully for the first time the Toy Story films as – although I could recall bits of them – I had never sat down and given them my full attention. Of course, as every self-respecting Pixar fan knows, this...
  • Film Review – The Secret Life of Pets

    From Illumination Entertainment (or eeyluminayshuunn as the Minions call it) comes The Secret Life of Pets. Starring Louis C.K. as Max, the main dog protagonist, and Kevin Hart as a small, fluffy white rabbit (stay with me), Pets is Illumination’s answer to “what can the studio do next that...
  • Scrapbook – Best/Worst Mothers

    It’s Mothers’ Day, and what better way to spend it than delving into film’s extensive list of great – and not so great – mums. Whether they’re evil, delightful or just plain incompetent, there’s no doubting, the bond between mother and child is a unique one. Elastagirl/Helen Parr –...