Ed Farley Romantic, platonic, in-between… Relationships. They’re the good, the bad and the ugly. Or so they say. I think they can be good, bad but also beautiful, especially when they end. We’ve all had it happen, someone treats you coldly, giving you all the answers you need as...
I myself am in a relationship (apologies to the single readers as I declare my status around February 14th – I will be lucky if I get a card through the post), and very importantly PDA is something I still take seriously in my relationship – on the rare...
The Impact Features Agony Aunt is back with more pearls of wisdom for your problems! “Dear Agony Aunt, I met this guy recently in a club; he seemed nice and we kissed. I gave him my number and we met up the next day – I basically met up...
Impact Features officially brings to you their brand new Agony Aunt! University life is riddled with confusing, scary and unfamiliar issues that can be harder to overcome as you live away from home and your normal support system of friends and family. However, the Impact Features Agony Aunt is here...