Based on the beloved children’s novel The Parent Trap, Identical is a new musical which follows separated-at-birth twins Lisa and Lottie, two very different girls with one shared goal – to bring their family back together. Amelia Gibbs reviews....
Prima Facie is a one-woman show written by Suzie Miller, which tackles themes of sexual assault and violence, sexism and class privilege. Originally performed in the Harold Pinter Theatre in London, the show was recorded by the 'National Theatre Live', and screened at ciinemas around the country from the...
After only just recently completing the first leg of 'Happier Than Ever, The World Tour', multiple Grammy award winner Billie Eilish has released her EP, 'Guitar Songs'. Fitting with the title, the two songs featured in this EP are driven by the beautiful, pure, yet simple sound of an...
In one of her final articles for Impact Magazine, Amrit Virdi fittingly takes the opportunity to take a step back in time to her teenage-hood, and reviews the discography of the world's biggest boyband, One Direction....
Thor: Love and Thunder is the most recent Marvel film to hit cinemas. Though there has been a bit of a dip in quality recently, Daniel Evans went to find out whether Thor could bring some momentum back to Marvel....
Boyband icon turned solo Coachella headliner, Harry Styles, has been praised since 2010 for his effortless easing into the 'rockstar' lifestyle of fame, with comparisons to the likes of Mick Jagger consistently drawn. 2022 saw Styles return with his third solo album, titled 'Harry's House', and, akin to the...
Foals' seventh studio album is a departure from the grungier sounds of 'What Went Down' and 'Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost' ('I' and 'II'), but will embed itself within the Foals' disography with ease; a mature and developed album that feels like an absolute triumph. Alex Tearle reviews......