Directed by Joe Wright (Pride and Prejudice, Darkest Hour), The Woman in the Window is a pretentious botch. It wants to be a serious psychological drama and a silly slasher mystery at the same time, but by trying to combine the two, it miserably fails at both....
Originally named Kanojo (which can mean ‘her’ or ‘girlfriend’) in Japanese, Ride or Die follows the traces after two women who conspire a grotesque murder together....
Gemma Cockrell Directed by Henrik Burman, Yung Lean: In My Head tracks the Swedish cult rap star Yung Lean’s compelling rise to fame. He “was on top of the world, but behind the scenes he struggled with fame, drug addiction, and mental health issues. This is his coming-of-age story...
Alex reviews Malcolm & Marie, available to stream now on Netflix....
Following her tragic passing, Gemma Cockrell reflects on the incredible career of SOPHIE and her influential, experimental discography....
In line with Veganuary, Harriot Smith reviews 'The Abolitionist Approach' for January's Book of the Month....
Alex Watkin reviews 'The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone'....