Frank Galati’s adaptation of John Steinbeck’s classic The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of the Joad family, and their pursuit of the American dream. It is strange and confusing, though in the midst of the disparity and despair there was something recognisable and hopeful about the production. The...
Amelia Bullmore’s play about the friendship of three women throughout University and beyond is moving and honest, both about the hardships and successes that are found in the world around us. Though this play packs a punch and doesn’t shy away from hard hitting topics, it is often beautifully...
After many months of hype-building teaser clips and social media posts, Disney have finally released the latest instalment in their mission to re-make all their best-loved animations in the form of live action pictures: Beauty and the Beast. The original 1991 motion picture was the first animated film to...
From Theodore Melfi comes the Oscar-nominated Hidden Figures, a tale regarding the true story of three African American women who worked at NASA during the 1960’s. The film is based on the biographical novel by the same name written by Margot Lee Shelley. It cannot be questioned that the film’s...
Captivating from start to finish, Matthew Bourne’s production of The Red Shoes is one not to be missed. We were transformed back to the nostalgia of the 1940s and taken into the world of a life in theatre and dance. The combination of contemporary and balletic styles made for...
Not normally one for horrors, my initial impressions were fuelled by excitement and nervousness. Naturally, the play is not a ‘blood guts and all thing gory’ horror, but one that does keep you tense and makes you jump at all the right moments. If it’s a thrill you like,...
We’re warming back up to our gig-going now that exams are well and truly forgotten. Last week, Nottingham saw visits from Kate Nash and Wilkinson. Here’s what Impact Music thought… Kate Nash (Rescue Rooms, 11/02/17) Kate Nash delivers a performance of style evolution, girl power and straight talking. Gone...