Beautifully shot with hauntingly vivid imagery in an arid backdrop that echoes the bleakness and hopelessness of the tale unfolding within, Sweet Country is a bold, shocking film determined to invoke horror and empathy among its viewers. After the magnificent debut film Samson and Delilah in 2009, Australian director...
This Christmas, before we celebrate her 125th anniversary, the BBC has taken on ‘The Queen of Crime’ Dame Agatha Christie’s well-loved ultimate ‘locked room’ murder mystery, And Then There Were None – and has come out right on top! Initially, the plot seems simple enough, but it is impossible...
Corsets, class and scandal – all the makings for a fantastic television series. For nearly six years now, audiences worldwide have been charmed by the characters and universal appeal of a particular well-loved show. For those of you out there, like me, who are devastated at the prospect of...