• The Fallacy of the Scientific Fact

    The term scientific fact has been coined throughout history to stamp a sure-fire statement as a hard-nosed fact. This fact describes a truth that has evolved out of meticulously collected evidence, to support a well-grounded theory. Today, scientific evidence is deemed so reliable that it largely dictates how we...
  • E-Cigarettes: The Latest In A Wealth Of Conflicting Advice

    E-cigarettes are used by people who smoke, either as an aide to quit or as a direct replacement for traditional cigarettes. It is a long held belief by those who use e-cigarettes that, since they do not have the tar and many other harmful substances held in them present in...
  • UoN’s Answer to the Antibiotic Apocalypse

    We are living in a time where antibiotics are used as the ‘cure-all’, but imagine a hospital visit for minor surgery where antibiotics are no longer able to prevent us dying from a routine bacterial infection. This dystopian future has been described as “the return to the era before...
  • Is the contraceptive pill controlling your sexual preferences?

    When I started my biology degree at Nottingham, I wasn’t interested in learning too much about human biology. I figured I knew what was necessary and I’d let the doctors do the rest while I focused on the more fluffy and scaly aspects of the natural world. However, on...
  • Chol-stress-terol: The link between cholesterol, blood groups and stress levels

    There are always people who manage to stay completely relaxed in the run up to exams while the rest of us stress and eat our weight in biscuits. But have you ever wondered why? The answer could be as seemingly random as a difference in blood group. Last year,...
  • 30 Seconds Closer to Midnight

    When over 100,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki over the course of three days by two separate explosions, it became clear that the horrors technology allowed us to unleash upon each other had escalated to a new level. The Second World War showed the world mechanised slaughter...
  • Designer Babies and the Creation of Superman – What is CRISPR?

    These days, it doesn’t matter if you’re a hard-core science nerd or simply a casual I Fucking Love Science browser on Facebook – big news will reach you anyway, and in 2016, nothing is bigger than CRISPR, the shiny, new genetic modification tool that is already on track to...