• Myth busting: From the animal kingdom to real life

    You probably did a good job of dispelling the most common student myth in your first week at uni; no matter how hard you try you will not make it to 9am lectures after a night out. There are lots of other rumours and legends that I have come...
  • Why you might experience polyuria during Freshers’ week

    The countdown is on. Only seven days until UoN Freshers’ Week commences! Whilst the most important thing about being a fresher is settling in, making friends and exploring campus, we know the best parts are normally the socials and nights out. For most (with a few exceptions of those who don’t...
  • The controversy behind E-cigarettes

    E-cigarettes, also known as vaporizers, are markedly less harmful than tobacco cigarettes. Being ‘electronic’, it is an easy compromise between getting a nicotine kick without any harm, but are there health implications we need to consider? Some doctors are worried that these e-cigs will give younger people a taste...
  • The ice bucket challenge explained

    Out of all of these nominations I’d bet only half of the people knew what ALS actually stands for. Since the start of July, the ice bucket challenge has been the latest craze on the internet; everyone seems to have been nominated but does everyone actually know why they...
  • What is the Ebola Virus?

    There has been extensive coverage over the past few months on the outbreak of the Ebola virus. Having originated in West Africa, it is the deadliest occurrence since 1976 with over 1,400 deaths reported. With numerous reports of it spreading, just what is the Ebola virus? The first major...
  • Life as a MPT student

    It’s that time of year when results have been released and a new university year is about to start, so how about a real life insight into a medical science university course. But what actually is Medical Physiology and Therapeutics? (MPT for short) or ‘MedPhiz’ as we like to...
  • Changing Your Hair Colour Without Using Dye

    Etching your hair strands with nano-patterns probably isn’t the first alternative to come to mind. New research is suggesting that the future of hair colouring could be in the form of a flatiron that presses a pattern into the strands of your hair, changing its colour permanently. Scientists from...