• #SaveOurShow – How the Hashtag Can Revive a Fallen Series

    Friday 16th January 2015; a grave day for In the Flesh fandom as BBC Three announced it was not going to be renewing the show for a third season due to budget cuts that include the channel’s on air presence remaining an uncertainty. However, fans of the series continue not to show...
  • Social media: Changing the face of travel

    There is a new obsession sweeping the globe. Online photo sharing sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr have engulfed the world of travel, pulling it into a new era of escapism and social interaction. From beach selfies to montages of exotic cocktails and immense sunsets, the art of...
  • Role Model: A Term We Could Live Without

    While a good deal of consensus now exists behind the idea that the FA’S punishment of Rio Ferdinand was disproportionate, the issues that the case raised will carry on being contested for a fair time yet, and not just in sporting circles. Only a few weeks earlier, Justice Secretary...
  • Should Selfies Be Studied?

    Barack Obama, Kim Kardashian and the Pope. Not three names that usually appear adjacently on a list, but these three public figures all have something in common; they’ve all been the subject of a famous selfie. The modern trend of taking a picture of oneself has thrived alongside the...