• Let’s Talk About Loss: How Nottingham students are helping face grief

    Let’s Talk About Loss is a support organisation for young people who have experienced grief and loss, to try and overcome the barriers of talking about losing someone we love. Facing down these taboos sometimes requires a safe space, which is what Let’s Talk About Loss provides, and is...
  • Facebook under Scrutiny for Privacy issues and Monitoring their Users   

    Recently, one of the hottest topics that is related to the social media world is Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica Scandals.  Concerns have grown about the influence of false information and its ability to speak unscrutinised on social media. As one of the most popular social media platforms, Facebook...
  • The Changing Nature of Film Criticism

    Film and television criticism has existed from the very beginning of the medium. Whether it was the opinions of professionals with copious amounts of knowledge about the field, or those of everyday film goers simply wanting to share how hot they think an actor is, criticism is something which has...
  • Role Models: fashion favourites can be activists too

    Female models are in the spotlight for both their aesthetic and broader impact on the female population. Whilst recent dialogue has been more open about the impact of airbrushing, underweight models, and diversity in the fashion industry, many people dismiss female models as bad role models for young women....
  • Why it’s Good to Say No

    As a society we are constantly encouraged to say ‘yes’. Say yes to new opportunities, to challenging ourselves, to pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones. Growing up I hated saying ‘no’ to people, believing that I was letting both them and myself down in some way. This year,...
  • I Weigh: A Declaration of Self-Love

    Social media can often get in the way of how we view ourselves and although we can sit with friends and family and admit this, sometimes we need an extra reminder. If you have not already heard of the I_Weigh movement on Instagram, then it is time to check...
  • Student Pages: Online Toolbox or Daily Irritant?

    I am in no doubt that day after day your Facebook feed is filled with posts to groups like The Nottsfessional and Overheard in Hallward (if people still use that). Hugely popular, often controversial and sometimes tiresome, these posts have the ability to both entertain and bore. But the...