Megan Brown The Watcher is a new Netflix series created by Ryan Murphy (known also for recently producing the Jeffrey Dahmer Netflix series). It follows the true story of the married couple Derek and Maria Broaddus, who decide to move into their dream home: 657 Boulevard, located in Westfield,...
Laura Scaife This week is National Stalking Awareness week. To raise awareness, Impact’s Laura Scaife interviewed Claire Thompson (Associate Director of Student Wellbeing) to find out what support the university offers victims of stalking. When you make a report “it is not a formal complaint” If you believe you are...
Impact Investigations Team *Trigger warning: discussion of stalking and harassment* *Long read article taken from Print Edition #269, copies available across campus and online* One early January morning, a post on a local Nottingham forum caught the attention of our Impact team. “My daughter and I are suffering from...
Cora-Laine Moynihan Romantic comedies have been an age-old cure for broken and yearning hearts, setting the standard for love across the world. That’s something you will never hear anyone say. While rom-coms are occasionally used by broken-hearted and lonely singles to escape into these stories of laughter and romance...