5 years ago I graduated from UoN and began working in the NHS as a junior doctor. Now I’m back at the Uni, this time as a postgrad studying Medical Education, while working as a GP in a local practice. For this article in my new Healthy Impact series i’m...
According to a new report from UniHealth, 1 in 5 (19%) students have suicidal thoughts. The report goes on to claim that 82% of UK university students experience stress and anxiety, and 45% have feelings of depression. Such feelings of anxiety and stress can already be felt during freshers’...
On the silver screen, drugs have always seemed to play a major role. From old Hollywood to twentieth century cinema, we have seen many films glamourise stimulants by using them for recreational purposes. With the release of films like Limitless, however, there is no disputing that we are seeing...
There are always people who manage to stay completely relaxed in the run up to exams while the rest of us stress and eat our weight in biscuits. But have you ever wondered why? The answer could be as seemingly random as a difference in blood group. Last year,...
This week Natalie shares her experience of the Christmas holidays, scooter assembling and all. Recognise how she is feeling? Comment below and let us know! These past few weeks have been spent stockpiling secret stashes of booze, desperately trying to find the scissors and hiding in the cupboard from noisy relatives....
In our new regular feature, Natalie shares her experiences of third year so far – recognise how she is feeling? Comment below! Now that my hysterical wide-eyed laughter has stopped, I am now fully able to grasp the seriousness of my situation: graduation is a daunting prospect for most...