The Student Union Council convened on Tuesday 9th February to determine key motions put forward by a number of students to address SU officer accountability, the SU’s position on the PREVENT strategy and ethical banking at the University of Nottingham. The first motion, addressing the accountability of Student-Run Services (SRS),...
The Student Union Council convened this Thursday evening, 26th November, in order to determine key motions. Each motion passed, according to Student Union Council rules, will stand for the duration of three years. The 427th Student Union Council meeting largely focused on environmental issues. The first motion in favour...
University of Nottingham students have voted in favour of our SU submitting the policy ‘Campaign for NHS Reinstatement Bill’ to the NUS NEC (National Executive Council) and/or NUS Annual Conference. There were 5502 votes cast, setting a quorum threshold of 2751 votes. There were 3536 yes votes, 1646 abstentions and...
The eighth Students’ Union (SU) Council took place on Tuesday 25th November. Motions debated included: the NUS’ policy on the NHS, the right to protest on campus and transparency of businesses visiting campus and a student-run lettings agency. INVESTIGATE AN SU RUN LETTINGS AGENCY MOTION: PASSED After a previous...
A referendum on the ‘free education’ motion, which was proposed at last moth’s Union Council, is due to take place in the week commencing Monday 17th November. The motion, which has been rephrased in the form of a question, reads: “Should the Students’ Union adopt a position which strives...
The seventh Students’ Union (SU) council took place on Tuesday 7th October. Motions debated included: Freedom of Expression, the Union’s support of Free Education and a proposal for a Student-Run Lettings Agency. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION MOTION: PASSED Mike Olatokun, SU Community Officer, brought a motion on behalf of the officer...