Laura Bealin-Kelly has been announced as the new Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer. The total number of people who voted for this position was 4229. Laura won after 3 rounds of voting, beating Tom Stanley by 801 votes in the final round of voting. Speaking to Impact following her victory, Laura said that she was both...
Yolanda King has been announced as your new SU Postgraduate Officer after three years of running in the SU Elections. The total number of people who voted for this position was 4,117. Yolanda King won after 1 round of voting, beating Paige Roden by 1,406 votes in the first round of voting. “I...
Hemanth and Loren have been announced as the new International Students’ Officer. A total of 643 people voted for this position. Hemanth and Loren won after one round of voting, due to the position being uncontested. The newly elected International Students’ Officers told Impact, that by running as the fictional Disney characters Jasmine...
Florence & Adreanna have been announced as the new Black and Minority Ethnics (BME) Officers. The total number of people that voted for this position was 609. The pair won the position after one round of voting with 542 votes. Florence & Adreanna told Impact that, before the results were announced,...
Chris Smith has been announced as the new LGBT+ Officer. The total number of people that voted for this position was 836. “I’m glad RON didn’t win” This position was uncontested, meaning Chris secured the position after one round of voting with 777 votes. Talking to Impact, Chris said that...
Alice Armstrong and Eden Smith have been announced as the new Students with Disabilities Officer. With 588 votes cast in this election, Alice Armstrong and Eden Smith won after one round of voting beating Helen and Rebecca to the position by 37 votes. The winners told Impact they are “surprised and excited, mainly shocked”. The highlight of...
Adele Purdy has been announced as the new Mature Students’ Officer. The total number of people that voted for this position was: 1,186. This position was uncontested, meaning Adele secured the position after one round of voting. Round 1: Adele: 1,065 RON (Reopen Nominations): 121 Image: Rhys Thomas for Impact...