With an increasingly revealing spotlight shining on the fashion industry, more and more people are becoming enlightened about ethical forms of consumption. However, one area that remains largely in the dark is ethical jewellery. Similarly to clothing, jewellery is deemed to be ethical if its core materials are sustainably...
The SDG is the blueprint in achieving a better and more sustainable future. The initiative addresses global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. “The initiative addresses global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.” Universities from...
Nottingham is already classed as one of the UK’s most sustainable universities, with a clear aim to do more to help the environment. This institutionalised aim for change, together with the student population’s supposedly supportive attitude, could lead to a powerful contribution towards environmental protection. But what is actually...
Every year, as December 1st draws closer, we watch as various brands and stores battle it out with their Christmas adverts. Perhaps surprisingly, it was Iceland’s which was banned from broadcast this year, for being ‘too political’. Is this the case, and what does it say about advertising? The...
As you may or may not be aware, the European Parliament announced on October 24th that it was banning all single-use plastic. That means that all plastic products which are not reusable will be forbidden. So what does this ban entail, exactly, and what are the consequences of it?...
For most people, going vegan happens for one, or a combination of, three reasons; to save animals, to help the environment and for personal health. For me, growing up with vegetarian parents, I’d love to say that all three of these factors influenced me from a young age. In...
As a student, one is probably in that ‘adolescent’ bracket of society and thus statistically more likely to engage in activism. Activism is a term which often receives negative connotations, but it simply means actively attempting to achieve a social, economic or political objective. Doing some or all of...