A captivating and humorous, Once Upon a Crime was the perfect blend between murder mystery and comedy. The deeply detailed set, creative use of lighting, and witty dialogue engendered an immersive and playful production, unafraid to dabble in the meta for help in solving the crime or cracking a...
On 14th December, a brand-new story in the universe of Netflix’s Stranger Things opened its doors at the Phoenix Theatre in London’s West End. Set 25 years before the series, Stranger Things: The First Shadow follows a young Henry Creel as he moves to the town of Hawkins to...
The 40th anniversary West End production of Michael Frayn’s multi award-winning farce, Noises Off, recently rocked up in style to Theatre Royal Nottingham as part of its UK tour – and it’s easy to see why it’s considered a comedy classic. Amy Child and Ana Balanici review. ...
As the end of the world creeps closer and closer, humanity is put to the ultimate test. Only one radio station remains open for contact: a lifeline for the last people standing. The Canary is the final point of contact before the impending Armageddon. Emma Burnett reviews. ...
A ‘show-stopping performance’ doesn’t begin to cover the spectacular theatrics performed by the cast of The Bodyguard. Based on the iconic 1992 Warner Bros movie directed by Lawrence Kasdan starring Whitney Houston, the musical boasts various iconic hits such as Saving All My Love, I Have Nothing and, arguably...
The Ocean at the End of the Lane shows exactly what theatre is capable of. The world of the production is filled with magic and the supernatural, which is portrayed so purposefully and enchantingly that you find yourself on the edge of your seat whilst watching. Jasmine Butler reviews....
Actors Touring Company arrived at Nottingham Playhouse on 1st June for its opening night of Family Tree, an inspiring and thought-provoking drama detailing the tragic history of a Black woman, whose importance continues to save lives in the medical industry. Impact's Kyra Patterson reviews....