The Tell-Tale Heart is a supernatural murder mystery based on the Victorian short story by Edgar Allan Poe. A seemingly innocent exchange occurs between a man, Clarry Straven, visiting from London and Roderick Bounty, the owner of the lodgings Clarry is enquiring about using. Throughout the play you witness...
The 40th anniversary West End production of Michael Frayn’s multi award-winning farce, Noises Off, recently rocked up in style to Theatre Royal Nottingham as part of its UK tour – and it’s easy to see why it’s considered a comedy classic. Amy Child and Ana Balanici review. ...
The Ocean at the End of the Lane shows exactly what theatre is capable of. The world of the production is filled with magic and the supernatural, which is portrayed so purposefully and enchantingly that you find yourself on the edge of your seat whilst watching. Jasmine Butler reviews....
The West End success Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of), which won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Comedy in 2022, comes to the Nottingham Theatre Royal between 27th March and 1st of April. The play is a unique retelling of Jane Austen’s beloved and iconic love story between Elizabeth...
The Verdict is a coutroom drama, performing at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham between 21st and 25th February. Impact's Poppy Read-Pitt attended on Tuesday night, and reviews....
La Triviata is a dramatic three-part opera by Giuseppe Verdi. Originally titled Violetta, after the main character, this play is memorable in so many ways. For three nights only, Opera North have bought La Triviata to Nottingham's Theatre Royal. Impact's Jasmine Butler attended Tuesday's performance, and reviews....
Agatha Christie’s murder mystery The Mousetrap is the world’s longest-running play, and the tour now celebrates 70 years from its original release. Between 27th September to 1st October the esteemed performance has come to Nottingham’s Theatre Royal. Impact’s Amy Child and Ana Balanici attended opening night to review....