The Wicked Lady is a horror show in which Alice Beaumont is sent to an abandoned house, suspected of ghostly occurrences. There, she attempts to solve the disappearance of a young girl, Sarah. A sceptical woman, Alice at first is quite rational about her experiences, but over time her...
The Book of Mormon is a musical comedy, first staged in 2011. It is a satirical look at the practices and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Currently on tour across the U.K., the production arrived in Nottingham in August, and will run until 10th...
Carlton Operatic Society's production of Shrek the Musical is an all-singing, all-dancing comedy adaptation from Dreamwork's Shrek. Nottingham Theatre Royal was buzzing with excitement before the spectacular show, and it certainly did not disappointment. Izzy Hunter reviews....
Amrit Virdi shares her thoughts on Wise Children's clever adaptation of Wuthering Heights as it comes to Nottingham's Theatre Royal from 26th-30th April....
Jack Savoretti's career has spanned over a decade, between 2007 and 2022, and he continues to follow a path of songwriting, which is personal and passionate. New album, 'Europiana', possesses more groove and funk than previous work, but still contains Savoretti's often heartfelt nature. On a Sunday night, Savoretti's...
Fatal Attraction has arrived at Nottingham's Theatre Royal for only a three-day stop, between 17th and 19th February. Matthew Bird discusses the production and its key features....
Stylised sets of celluloid castles and sci-fi spaceships, incredible musical pieces, and an entire theatre full of burly transvestites and undead maids on their feet doing a surprisingly well coordinated rendition of the Time Warp; these are a small selection of the highlights in Nottingham Theatre Royal’s production of...