‘Alvin Ailey said that one of America’s richest treasures was the cultural heritage of the African-American; sometimes sorrowful, sometimes jubilant, but always hopeful.’ This highlights perfectly the themes dealt with in the extraordinary compositions led by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. The world-renowned dance company, born in the...
Coming with warnings for pyrotechnics, the discussion of suicide and full frontal nudity, Simon Beaufoy’s theatre adaption of the well-loved film ‘The Full Monty’ was guaranteed from the start to keep its audience captivated – it certainly did not disappoint. ‘The Full Monty’ follows the escapades of down-on-his-luck Gaz...
Familiar yet innovative, Bill Kenwright’s production of The Sound of Music provides a fresh take on the timeless classic. The play is engaging and capitalizes on the nostalgia of the story with great charisma. The music is the best compliment to the marvelous efforts of the actors with an...
All show and little substance; Green Day’s American Idiot boasts a chaotic, punky, angst-fuelled sound and aesthetic that unfortunately lacks the support of even the thinnest of plots. While the cast undoubtedly put on a spectacular musical performance in this stage adaptation of Green Day’s famous rock opera album, the lack of...
To celebrate Shakespeare and The Play for the Nation, Impact Arts caught up with the six actors and their directors (alongside their rehearsal Titania, Jess) from Lovelace Theatre Group, Hucknall ahead of their professional debut as the mechanicals in the Nottingham run of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Why did...
A whirlwind of glamour and vibrant dresses, Breakfast At Tiffany’s is the iconic tale of the frivolous Holly Golightly who lives a hectic life in Manhattan… funded by her relations with many rich men. Having not read Truman Capote’s novella and only watching the film once many years ago,...
The Royal Shakespeare Company’s touring production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, with a different, regional cast playing the Mechanicals and fairy train at each new location, is a truly bold move in theatre-making. This Play for the Nation, celebrating the work of Shakespeare 400 years after his death, is...