Directed by Richard Curtis and originally released in 2003, festive favourite Love Actually, follows the lives of eight couples whose stories are intertwined in the lead up to Christmas. Love Actually in Concert consisted of a live orchestra performing Craig Armstrong’s famous score, while the film was projected onto a...
Innovative, playful and dramatic are just a few of the many terms I would use to describe the sensation that is Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake. This production, a contemporary interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s original ballet, features an excitingly dangerous male ensemble, which has come to be known as a defining...
As a novice to the Opera, I had a preconceived idea of what the experience would be like and was surprised to arrive and learn that this show was an ‘Operetta’. This is a 19th century term used to describe a light-hearted opera in which not everything is sung....
Tosca was originally a French play written by Victorien Sardou in the 19th century, later made into an operatic libretto by Italian composer, Puccini. One hundred and eighteen years after Tosca first premiered in Rome, Opera North’s 21st century production in the Theatre Royal, Nottingham, was absolutely phenomenal. “Their voices truly...
One of the few remaining operatic musical theatre societies who are still standing strong after their establishment in the reign of Queen Victoria, The Nottingham Operatic Society performed the much loved Joseph and the Amazing Technicoloured Dreamcoat, which stole the hearts of audience members spectating at the Theatre Royal....
Shakespeare in Love is well-known as the 1998 histori-comedy that took the Academy Awards by storm, winning seven awards including Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. And now, it seems to have found its way home in being transformed into a witty, timeless and innovative play. “For fans of...
The Three Musketeers is a tale that pervades our culture, ever since its first outing as a historical novel, written in 1844 by French author Alexandre Dumas. Since then, it has been turned into numerous films, a BBC television series, and now, a ballet. “the gorgeous spectacle expected of...