Set in the dusty wilderness of the first Australian convict colony, Timberlake Wertenbaker’s 1988 drama follows the efforts of young, idealistic Royal Marine officer Ralph Clark to educate the vice-ridden convicts through the medium of theatre. Proposing that the prisoners put on a production of George Farquhar’s Restoration comedy...
I recently visited Nottingham’s Galleries of Justice and was struck by the exhibitions about men and women punished with transportation to Australia. It’s a strange and scary thought, to be sent halfway across the world for a crime that nowadays wouldn’t warrant a prison sentence- and so I was...
This week, Impact Arts speaks to Laura Thornton and Joe Strickland, director and producer respectively of the New Theatre’s latest in-house production: Our Country’s Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker, adapted from Thomas Keneally’s novel The Playmaker. Firstly, what is ‘Our Country’s Good’ about? Joe: Our Country’s Good follows the lives...