Due to its very rural nature and reputation for being a bit old-school, Norfolk is the East Anglian gem that often gets overlooked. In 2015, my family moved from Sussex (check our Dan’s piece on Brighton) to North Norfolk after years of childhood summers spent holidaying here. Coming from...
“Where are you from?” “Cambridge” I lie, when anyone from outside of East Anglia asks me. Technically, I grew up in a tiny village north of the city, but Cambridge is still ‘home’. Cambridge is a little urban hotspot for creativity, science, culture and history in the East Anglian countryside...
Brighton is, hands-down, one of my favourite places in the world. Having lived a 10-minute train journey away from the small city for 17 of the 20 years I’ve existed, I’ve always known it as my closest city and have seen it change and grow throughout the years. It’s...
Though I was born across the Pennines in the depths of Yorkshire, for most of my life I (like nearly half a million others) have been proud to call Manchester, the self-appointed capital of the north, my home. Geographically, the city is ideal. It’s a large city with everything...
We hear so much about Italy’s culture associated with food, we hear about France’s in the same way. You can name so many Italian dishes off the top of your head and most of the well known extravagant cooking techniques (as well as many basic ones) have strong French...
Ahh, London. The spiritual home of the permanently irritated. It’s a cliché, but you can take the man out of London, but you can’t take the London out of the man. Five minutes into your first tube journey in months and you’re already spewing. Why are you standing in...
From 21st to the 28th April 2017, I attended the annual conference/exhibition held by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISMRM is a globally recognised society and its annual meetings draw in thousands of experts and students whom attend in order to...