• New year, new me: how to make the most of your time at university

    With a new year comes a new start – or so they say. But really, after a couple of days the feeling of being born again has already been stamped out. Nothing is different from how it was the year before; the weather is the same, the people are...
  • Adventure Thrifts: Venice

    It was mid-September, summer was practically over and autumn term was fast approaching. With two weeks left until the big university move, we chose to book one last spontaneous flight to Venice (the cost of one flight was the equivalent to a coach journey to London thus we had...
  • Are Clothes Losing Their Appeal to Millennials?

    As a generation that now holds the greatest influence in consumer spending and employment, are the shopping habits of the millennials transforming the outlook of the retail industry? Overall, the retail industry has been consistently growing for the past 20 years; however, most recently the sales of clothing, footwear...
  • Adventure Thrifts: Travelling on a budget

    As the slog of the winter semester begins to draw to a festive end, many of us are without money; many more of us have yet to do Christmas shopping and even more of us are fantasising about a holiday before the exam season kicks in. But, why fantasise?...
  • Daily Persuasion: Morocco

    I travelled around Morocco for 6 weeks this summer with other students from around the world, here’s some of my advice about visiting and why you should go:   Cheap cost of living I think the happiest I was all trip was when we found a place doing breakfast for...
  • Unlocking Jiufen: The treasure of Taiwan

    For some of the less seasoned travellers out there, an article about Jiufen, Taiwan seems incredibly alien at first sight. Never fear, for IMPACT Travel’s Karmen Truong is on hand to give us the lowdown on one of the treasures of the East. How to get there? Recommended route:...
  • Impact Exposure: Mario Washington-Ihieme

    Welcome to Impact Exposure- a weekly showcase of the work of UoN photographers. These images are the work of Mario Washington-Ihieme. For more of Mario’s work, take a look at her instagram account @maz_o. If you would like to submit your own work, or help to source images for the...