Take a second to imagine if CSI mated with Smallville, and then sprinkle on some nurtured Arrow goodness; that child would be The Flash. This is the CW’s latest superhero instalment following two successful seasons of Arrow, also based on a DC character. The Flash’s protagonist is Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), a crime...
Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth, Pacific Rim) and novelist Chuck Hogan have merged to create a masterpiece of a thriller in FOX’s The Strain, a televised adaptation of their co-authored trilogy of vampire novels released in 2009. This dark horror-drama follows an investigation into a mysterious virus that causes its...
Homeland could be called a one-trick pony. The first season’s exquisite plotting gave way to 24-style action and rehashed clichés (see Dana’s teenage angst). Yet I stuck with it, because its premise is compelling. Warning: Spoilers follow! While Homeland heralded the arrival of small screen female leads, there were...
In over 40 years of existence, HBO has never wanted to make things easy. With The Leftovers, adapted from the novel by Tom Perrotta, it seems to willfully succumb to difficulty; this show is roughly sci-fi, roughly post-apocalyptic and roughly religious. Taking on that kind of toll is taking the risk of...
Almost a year has passed since the promise of a good story, and it’s a very scary one we’ve been waiting for. The fourth season of American Horror Story (labelled Freak Show) delivers after the interlude, and this time is at it superbly, as shivers shroud our senses from this...
A Coen classic, cut short sci-fi and current comedy are all commended as Matt brings the latest of our next best recommendations on Netflix. Fargo With the recent release of the follow-up series of the same name airing on Channel 4 this past summer, now would be a good time to...
On this day back in 1994, “The First One” of the acclaimed sitcom Friends premiered, unaware of the momentous cultural impact the show would have in the years following. Now, on the 20th anniversary of the Pilot, we’re celebrating the series’ continuing flight of fandom as we countdown the...