In 2018, 830,000 people gave blood in England alone. Incredible numbers at face value, right? But in the grand scheme of things, that’s just less than 2% of the entire population who are donating. Giving blood is one of the easiest ways to make a huge difference in a person's...
Ben Coyle-Larner, from Lambeth, adopts the name Loyle Carner when he serenades us with his eloquent flow. His stage name is some sort of intentional double-barrel spoonerism that reflects how he has struggled with ADHD from a young age. This perfectly summarises him as a person. Carner is paving...
The scary truth is that we are now in Brex-month and the possibility of a no-deal Brexit is still technically on the table. As we move unnervingly fast towards the 29th March, the government is still unsure of what life in Britain will be like from April onwards. If the...
Studying in America whilst the UK government has been imploding over Brexit has been a particularly unnerving experience. The confusion and despair many Brits are currently feeling, since Theresa May’s Brexit deal was declined by Parliament, has been amplified by the distance between the US and the UK. The...
Since the 21st December 2018, women who were not currently in the army have now been allowed to apply for the infantry, and training will begin in April 2019. This is a further development to the decision made by David Cameron in 2016 which allowed women already in the...
For British citizens, news came recently that the UK would be on the visa-free list after Brexit, meaning that Brits and Europeans alike would be eligible for short stays of up to 90 days either side of the English channel. However, this does not mean that people will reap...
News broke on Wednesday that in a UK first, doctors were able to perform complex spinal surgery on two babies who were still in the womb. The operation took place at University College Hospital in London by a team of 30 doctors from UCL and Great Ormond Street, who...