• [UN]KNOWN: A Look at CU’s Eventful Week

    You probably saw the logo everywhere. From jumpers worn by countless members of the CU (Christian Union) to Facebook posts to dedicated flyer-ers standing outside Hallward library, the undeniably edgy label of KNOWN made its way all around Uni Park campus. But what exactly was it all about? Maddie De Soyza...
  • Part-time jobs: Money-maker or exam de-railer?

    In first and second year, I must admit that I played a particularly dangerous game with my finances, skirting the boundaries of my overdraft limit, trying to survive on the money I had accumulated over summer. The constant worry of waking up on a Thursday or Saturday morning and...
  • Two year degrees? No, thanks

    Two year degree courses at universities in England look set to be introduced under new government plans, costing an eye-watering £14,000 a year, despite the reduced length of the degree. While some have argued that this will be beneficial to mature students and the like, arguably this is a...
  • UoN’s Answer to the Antibiotic Apocalypse

    We are living in a time where antibiotics are used as the ‘cure-all’, but imagine a hospital visit for minor surgery where antibiotics are no longer able to prevent us dying from a routine bacterial infection. This dystopian future has been described as “the return to the era before...
  • Challenges: A Sober Night Out in Notts

    Ah, YoYo Thursdays. For the first six weeks of university, there wasn’t a single one I didn’t go to. One of Nottingham’s newest nightclubs, with what is (in my opinion) a banging playlist, Pom Pom is always a safe bet for a good night out. Last semester, I had...
  • Nottingham welcomes Trump…not really

    He is beauty, he is grace. He’s a tyrannical sexist fatcat. And Nottingham has had Trump on the brain for quite a while now. But just what do we think of our American ‘friend’? “People of all ages seemed to be voicing their compassion for refugees and for women”...
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs: On the Silver Screen and on Campus

    On the silver screen, drugs have always seemed to play a major role. From old Hollywood to twentieth century cinema, we have seen many films glamourise stimulants by using them for recreational purposes. With the release of films like Limitless, however, there is no disputing that we are seeing...