• The State of the UK Economy During Lockdown and Beyond

    In April, the UK economy shrunk by a record 20.4% due to lockdown, causing irreversible damage for many families and businesses. Over the whole of lockdown, statistics also show that the economy is expected to have slumped by a quarter due to widespread contractions across the economy. Most noticeably,...
  • How has the Coronavirus Affected my Second Year of University?

    I thought my second year of university would be spent worrying about moving out of student accommodation, facing real 'adult' problems (like sorting out bills) and dealing with an incredibly tough workload. Turns out, I had far more on my plate to worry about than I thought. Something none...
  • Coronavirus – How Is the University Handling the Epidemic?

    The Coronavirus originated from a seafood market in Wuhan and has caught the attention of the international community. As of the writing of this article, the virus has infected 9776 people and killed 216. There have been 2 confirmed cases of the virus in York. With it becoming more...
  • Is Technology Taking Over? The Growing Need for an Online Presence at University

    There’s no doubt our demographic is constantly criticised by the likes of 'baby boomers' for our so-called addiction to technology and social media. But have we developed a dependency, or are we simply adapting to a modern way of living? The prevalent need for an online presence at university...
  • Self-Care at University: Putting Your Health and Wellbeing First

    Faye Price gives essential information and advice about staying healthy during freshers week.  For years, Freshers Week has been one of the most highly anticipated events on the University calendar. It can be easy to get swallowed up in the excitement and uncertainty that come with starting out as...
  • Society Spotlight: Karnival

    Dounia Crivelli discusses UoN’s Karnival, one of the largest student-run charity organisations in the country. Karnival is the University of Nottingham’s student-run charity organization, one of the largest in the country, and we raise incredible amounts of money every year for amazing causes. We host many fundraising experiences and...
  • The Best Drinking Games For Freshers

    It’s a truth universally acknowledged that alcohol makes talking to strangers easier. Impact has found a bunch of ways to liven up drinking and make Freshers that little bit easier too PICCOLO No cards or cups to hand? Trade in some battery life instead with Piccolo, the handy drinking...