The Oxford English Dictionary defines fresher as a “young frog”. In many ways, we are all young frogs. Born small into the big pond flailing, thrust into a world we know nothing of, battling to stay afloat amidst the copious amounts of liquid swirling around us (the liquid in...
Home is a deeply rooted word; it’s a word that must grow from somewhere ancient and buried. For many Freshers’, going to university also means leaving home for the first time, and it’s common for students to feel homesick and isolated in a new city. Home is both where...
At the start of the week, we brought you an article on how to make the most of Welcome Week. Now that you’ve registered, made new friends and nursed one too many hangovers, Ellen Smithies is giving us a hand to give Five Final Top Tips for Freshers. So...
University life has begun and you’re ready to embrace every aspect of your new life. However, the fun is suddenly dampened when you and your friends have to trade in the night life for a hot water bottle, Lemsip, and a packet of Kleenex because Freshers’ Flu has struck!...