• New Workshops Aim To Improve Women’s Safety On Campus

    It’s become increasingly difficult to ignore the gender inequalities plaguing our society. This isn’t an issue solely reserved for women, men need to play a role in combatting these problems. 'Beyond Equality' run workshops with men and boys allowing them to better understand how they can help towards creating...
  • Fresher’s Memoirs-Day 5: Stories

    Laura’s short story reflects on the struggles faced as a young woman starting university. From an early age, I was taught never go anywhere on your own. To take my sister everywhere with me. Especially to public toilets. You hear stories, don’t you? Just last week, as well. All...
  • The Irish abortion referendum: dividing a nation

    The results of the Irish abortion referendum on May 25th revealed that the Yes campaign, in favour of legalising abortion, had won by an unprecedented majority, securing 66.4% of the vote, with a turnout of 64.1% of the electorate. Under current law, abortion in Ireland is illegal in almost...
  • One day is not enough to celebrate women

    The 8th of March passed as quickly as it came. Whilst the University of Nottingham hosted an array of events to celebrate, we ask: was it enough? International Women’s Day. A commemoration of the movement for women’s rights. A celebration of two X chromosomes. 24 out of the 8760 hours...
  • The Women’s Suffrage Movement is Still Relevant Today

    These days, there is a lot of controversy over the word ‘feminism’. For some, it means a fight for the attainment of equality of the sexes, whilst others view it as a vehicle to man-hating. The Oxford English Dictionary defines feminism as ‘the advocacy of women’s rights on the...
  • Introducing The Women’s Equality Party

    Feminism. Perhaps one of the most misused and distorted terms in the English dictionary, but also one of the most powerful.  As a woman at university, living, breathing and learning among some of the country’s most educated young people, why is it this is still a term to be...