Today university students are given so many opportunities, and one of the most important ones has to be the chance to spend a semester, or a year, abroad. Although this is of most benefit to people studying languages, many other students can also greatly benefit from the chance to...
Every year, the hedonistic lifestyle of Rio de Janeiro attracts a multitude of tourists from across the globe, seeking to experience the buzz of the ‘marvellous city’. However, for UoN student James Gorey, Rio was a slightly different place. His experiences living and volunteering in Rocinha, (arguably the largest...
Third Year History and German student, Tim Cole, wrote for Impact Sport earlier this year about watching live football in Berlin. In this instalment, he travels north to Rostock… Hansa Rostock 0 vs. Preußen Münster 2 (06.12.2014) The German port city of Rostock, situated on the dismally grey and windswept...
Erasmus+ students at the University of Nottingham (UoN) are receiving their grants late this year, due to delays at a national level, causing some students problems whilst studying in foreign countries. The Erasmus programme is run by the EU, providing opportunities to study or work in Europe while completing their...
During our time as students, many of us are hit by the travel bug and feel the urge to see the world, leaving late nights in the library and textbooks behind. Whilst travelling is definitely an amazing life experience, it can sometimes be difficult to start studying again; students often find...
Mexico is full of surprises; both good and bad. As an avid traveller, languages student Eleni Philippou has gathered some interesting thoughts about the land of burritos. So without further ado here are five misconceptions and five truths about Mexico: Misconceptions about Mexico: 1. Skulls symbolize death If you...
Have you just begun your Year Abroad in a European city? Are you already planning an extensive interrail route for next summer? If so, this guide is for you! In this edition of Eat.What.Where, Milly shares some of her favourite places in… Berlin. Where do you start? It can...