Holding up the philosophy that Christmas music should not only be festive, but diverse, Impact has compiled a list of 25 ‘Christmas songs’ to take you through advent. Including not only songs which are indisputably part of the Christmas canon, but also straying into areas of music which holds looser links to the season. Starting with the tenuous and heading for the recognised classics, look no further for your advent soundtrack.
Despite their legendary musical status, The Beach Boys have a sickly sweet style many can only tolerate at a time of year such as Christmas. So there you go, you’ve got a good reason to play them.
‘Little Saint Nick’ sees The Beach Boys ditch their surfboards and head ‘way up North where the air gets cold’. Surprisingly, the sound of sleigh bells manages to perfectly compliment their signature Californian style and the song has remained a classic since the 1960’s.
Ian Fillingham
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