With the new series of The Great British Bake Off starting this week, fans have taken to Twitter en-masse to celebrate. Amidst the tweeting frenzy of Mary Berry fans all over the UK, @RSLiterature (Royal Society of Literature), in a stroke of genius, managed to combine the love of cake and literature and turn it into a witty, trending topic; to the delight of all arts fanatics everywhere #LiteraryCakes was born. Although there were many delicious puns to choose from, Impact Arts has carefully scoured Twitter to select our five favourite concoctions.
The answer to the age old question – ‘To cake, or not to cake?’ Always cake, Shakespeare, always cake.
- Much Ado About Muffin
- Taming of the Strudel
- All’s Well That Bakewell
As Harry returns to Hogwarts each year he faces greater and greater danger… of putting on the pounds. Will he crumble in the face of calories?
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Scone
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Marzipan
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Marshmallows
‘It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of some cake.’
- Pride and Profiteroles
- Tart of Darkness
- The Hound of the Baked Alaskavilles
What you were really thinking about during GSCE and A level classes.
- Of Mice and Gingerbread Men
- To Kill A Battenburg
- The Great Gateau-sby
Any lingering Christian Grey fantasies will be blown away by these much sweeter alternatives.
- Fifty Soufflés of Grey
- A Game of Scones – A Song of Icing and Fire
- The Fault in Our Tarts
Scarlett White
Can you think of any better #LiteraryCakes? Tweet us your classic concoctions @ImpactArtsTeam or comment below.
Photo credited to Frédéric Bisson via Flikr
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