Easter may have been and gone, but we all still need some fluffy bunnies in our lives! Even if those bunnies are sometimes a bit… well… unusual. Read on for Impact’s compilation of their favourite fluffy (and/or morbid/terrifying) bunnies from pop culture…
Suicide Bunnies
Cute, small, and fluffy, these are certainly the words that come to mind when someone talks of ‘bunnies’ right? And in almost all cases, you’d be right. Rabbits truly are adorable little animals. That was, until someone called Andy Riley came along and decided to take these typically cute creatures and portray them as wanting nothing more than their own demise, in rather creative ways I might add. And thus, the Suicide Bunnies were born.

Less Suicide Bunny, more Murder Bunny – art by Georgia Butcher.
Although (very) twisted, these rather dark comics are hilarious, very creative, and a work of genius. Okay, sure, seeing a fluffy cartoon bunny use a balloon to float into the air to be brutally impaled by a jet might, to some, seem ‘a bit disturbing’, and, yes, seeing a bunny lie down in an ice rink in the hope of being sliced in two by performing skaters is a little dark, but I promise, on the whole, these comics are amazing. The aforementioned instances may seem a little graphic, but many of them are far subtler, and the hilarity comes from noticing these nuances. One of my favourites, for instance, will always be the bunny within the Nazi solider line-up, who decides to swear rather than salute.
Plus, overall, they’re not that graphic. The humour’s dark, sure, but the fact that all the images are 1) black and white, and 2) rather simple in regard to art style, ensures that these comics aren’t really that disturbing – some are actually incredibly indirect and really require you to look for the indication of the bunny’s gruesome death.
Ultimately, these comics aren’t for the faint-hearted, but if you happen to prefer slightly darker strands of humour, I’d definitely recommend taking a look at these short comics – some of them really are hilarious.
Georgia Butcher
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Who doesn’t love a bit of Monty Python to spice up their day? This movie has everything you need to ensure that you’ll be left in stitches by the end of it. Coconuts to mimic the sound of horse’s feet? Check. Mad witch hunts? Check. And a cute little fluffy white bunny with a thirst for blood? Che- wait what?!
Yes, you heard me right, one of the most famous scenes in this movie features an adorably innocent looking bunny. But, if like me, you’ve been a long-time watcher, you’ll know that looks can be deceiving, and this proves to be one of Python’s biggest opponents to date. Moral of the story? Always trust the Scotsman if you want to avoid being decapitated by a flying rabbit.
So, my advice – if you’re faced with The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, and you’re lacking a ‘holy hand grenade’, simply run away.
Esther Kearney
Watership Down
Who could ever have anything against a beautiful children’s cartoon about a family of bunny rabbits? It’s delightfully sweet, wonderfully drawn, and full of blood, violence, and murder – wait, what?!
If you’ve ever seen Watership Down, you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s the one with all the death, where there is danger everywhere in the form of humans, predators, and even other bunnies: a prophet rabbit dreams of a field soaked in blood; hawks, dogs, and snare traps result in blood baths throughout; and a terrifying ‘evil’ rabbit runs a totalitarian state.
Watership Down is incredibly dark, often seen as aimed more at adults than children, although it was originally intended to be marketed to all. It’s also based on a book by Richard Adams (meaning there are multiple ways to use it to traumatise your kids), and features an all-star cast, including Richard Briers, Nigel Hawthorne, and John Hurt. Its tagline included the words “when they catch you, they will kill you”, and it was a smash-hit on its release in 1978 (which certainly tells you something about the appetites of the British public).
Although the BBFC originally gave it a ‘U’ certificate (suitable for all ages), in 2012 they admitted they’d had complaints about this rating “almost every year since its classification”. And the upcoming Netflix remake (featuring John Boyega, James McAvoy, and Gemma Arterton, among others) is apparently specifically working to tone down the violence (as well as adding in more female characters, which is a bonus).
So, fluffy bunnies they may be, but at least now you’ve been warned – this film is disturbing. Watch at your peril.
Isobel Sheene
What other fluffy bunnies from pop culture do you like? Feel free to discuss in the comments!
Featured image and article image courtesy of Georgia Butcher.
Article gifs courtesy of giphy.com.
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