Quentin Tarantino will forever be known as one of Hollywood’s most iconic directors. His movies have been enshrined into cult legend, yet this year’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has the potential to rival his very best works. Hailed as a black comedy crime film written and directed...
This week, Disney finally gave us the official trailer for the much anticipated Toy Story 4. Impact’s Jack took a long at the jam-packed insight into the movie to see what it reveals about the upcoming film, seeming similarities to the first three films, and ultimately, is it necessary? This...
If you’ve heard anything about the buggy hellscape that is Bethesda’s latest release, you already know it’s an empty, broken mess. But we’re not here to discuss Fallout 76’s gameplay. Instead, let’s dissect the storm of controversy and failure Bethesda has suffered since the game’s launch. Development, Advertisement, and...
Impact interviews Aryana Ramkhalawon, who stars as Ayesha in the Nottingham Playhouse’s upcoming performance of The Funeral Director, which debuts tonight at 7.45pm. The play explores the experience of Ayesha and her role as a Muslim funeral director when asked to plan a memorial for a gay man. What would...
“The first thing I always say is that creativity is not for the select few, it is for those brave enough to give it a go. The worst that can happen is you learn something.” One of the UK’s most respected Steampunk Photographers, Gary Nicholls is soon to release...
As another month goes by, another Oscar ceremony comes to a close – and it’s safe to say that I have watched Olivia Colman’s acceptance speech a total of 27 times. But anyway, whether you’re sick of films or not, March is chock-a-block full of them. If you miss...
When you say the word ‘Frozen’, images of talking snowmen and catchy songs come to mind. Yet the trailer for Frozen II appears as far removed from its predecessor as you could imagine. There are no musical numbers, princesses in castles or cutesy romance scenes that you might expect...