Following the invasion of Ukraine last month, there have been several appeals set up across Nottingham for those fleeing the conflict. Last Thursday, the Muslim Cultural Centre in Wollaton organised an event in solidarity with Ukraine, asking for people to provide items of food and clothing to those crossing...
The Prime Minister's "living with COVID" plan has been expected since before the government's parliamentary recess at the start of February. Impact's Hannah Walton-Hughes discusses what the lifting of restrictions could mean for the country, and what the overall response has been. ...
Tensions in Eastern Europe have heightened rapidly over the past few months, with the Russian military conducting self-prescribed drills within areas close to the Ukrainian border. Outlining recent developments, Ben explains troop movements and some history....
The Millennium Garden is on-track to lose a long-time resident after a tree sustained damage following poor weather conditions. Reporting on the future of this inconspicuous tree, Ben explains what is being planned by the University. ...
Nottingham will become the first city to trial the use of Artificial Intelligence technology to slow down or stop E-scooters that are being driven dangerously. The "Pedestrian Defence Technology" will be trialled in Nottingham before being rolled out to the 25 other cities that use Link E-Scooters....
Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire county were listed as one of the nine areas selected to progress with the Government's new plan to 'level up' the country. New plans would result in both the city and county upholding the Government's new form of devolution, a a system similar to that...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has stated that mandatory vaccination should be considered within the EU in response to the spread of the Omicron variant. ...