In recent years, it seems as though awards season isn’t truly here until David O. Russell releases a film. And his most recent offering, Joy, might just be his best. The trailer introduces us to the titular character, as played by Jennifer Lawrence, a single mother struggling to find...
Guillermo Del Toro’s latest film, Crimson Peak, starring Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain and Tom Hiddleston, is a masterful Gothic romance that displays all the classic staples of the genre, and, as expected with a Del Toro film, features dazzling visuals. Del Toro tends to balance his art-house Spanish films...
On March 8th, 2015, Mammoth Productions and the BBC premiered a renewed adaptation of Winston Graham’s epic Cornish saga, Poldark, though, little expected the massive response that arrived almost overnight, as Aidan Turner – known as that Irish vampire we all knew and loved from BBC Three’s cult hit...
Many film and TV adaptations of ‘Macbeth’ have disappointed me to the point where I have almost sworn to never watch it again. However, the 2015 Macbeth, directed by Justin Kurzel, is a beautifully crafted 113 minute artistic masterpiece, which at moments had me literally basking in awe. Starring...
Tom Watchorn continues to review the Mayhem Film Festival for Impact Film & Television. Day Three After the surprise disappointment of Day Two’s final film Stung, it was something of a reassurance that Day Three – the first of the two true marathon sessions and in hindsight prime for...
Impact Film and Television review Mayhem Film Festival, held in Nottingham, 15-18 October. Day One One thing to say for the tidal-waves-of-cinema-to-the-face approach which film festivals provide, beyond the smug satisfaction of endurance challenges, is the fact that by the very nature of the exhibition format the highlights of...
This is undoubtedly the scariest and weirdest trailer I have ever watched. Directed by William Brent Bell (The Devil Inside) and starring Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead), this film models itself on the popular horror movie cliché – ‘possessed item’ that wants to kill everyone. However, this film takes...