The Comedy About A Bank Robbery is exactly what it says on the tin, a ridiculous laugh-filled comedy revolving around a heist. Though it struggles to ever become much more than that, it really does have some hidden gems. The set was ambitious, with huge moving scenery and some real wow...
Having visited the Glee Club a handful of times already, I went in knowing what to expect and excited that I was in for a fun night. Hosted by comedian Marc Olver, the all-male line-up was followed by three other comics including, Adam Hiss, Ian Coppinger and Mark Nelson....
Cooking on High, an original Netflix series hosted by Josh Leyva and weed expert Ngaio Bealum, is the first ever competitive cannabis cooking show, which revolves around creating ‘tasty edibles’. There is currently 1 season of the show on Netflix, featuring 12 episodes which average at 14 minutes per...
Luckily for audiences at the Glee Club, the burlesque and cabaret show The Gilded Merkin showcased their home-grown talent in a sensual showdown of tease and cheek. Presented by Nottingham’s own Scarlett Daggers, the show was kicked off by the producer who put on a fantastic mashup of burlesque...
Riding the wave of female led indie ballads, Soccer Mommy is another success story of self-made musicians who use the internet as a way to promote their music. Now with an international audience, Soccer Mommy arrived to a buzzing crowd at the Bodega. Her mass appeal was reflected in...
In a small attic room, tucked away at the top of Rough Trade, IDLES took centre stage after the release of the critically adored Joy As An Act of Resistance. Before the gig the audience learned that the lead singer, Joe Talbot, had a cold yet, perhaps due to...
The 90s felt alive again at Rough Trade as trance rock band Our Girl took the stage for the release of their debut album. On the 23rd August, Rough Trade hosted the latest in a wave of indie girl-led bands that are hitting the music scene. Branching out from...