Entering the circular space, the audience were at once aware of and mesmerised by the breaking of the fourth wall. As the actors blended with the standing audience, we were all transported on the humorous, emotive and thought-provoking journey of Charlie Gordon, as he undergoes experimental brain surgery only...
The terms of prisoner sentences often spark controversy within the public. The idea that prison is for punishment leads many to think prisoner’s sentences should be served in a state of exclusion and isolation from any outside amenities such as televisions, films, art and literature. Other people, however, feel...
I was more than a little intrigued to discover whether the opening night of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men at the Theatre Royal, endlessly studied by bored fifteen year olds around the UK, would be able to breathe new life into the novella. With the designers going to...
What do you usually give up for Lent? Chocolate? Carbs? Social media? This February, literature lover Lizzie attempts to take on the arts student’s ultimate weakness – the penchant for buying books. For forty days and forty nights Lizzie will be going cold turkey: no late night Amazon purchases,...
Having never been to a modern dance performance before, I confess that I did not know what to expect in regards to Rambert. However, it is a mark of the talent of the group of dancers, and the musicians who accompanied the three pieces staged, that I still thoroughly...
It cannot be denied; there is something inherently romantic about the idea of sitting outside the Trent Building in the sunshine with a latte and a copy of Jane Eyre. While this is probably the stereotype most people have of English students, when the reality is usually pulling an...
With February 14th fast approaching this weekend, we can turn our eyes to the masters of love: authors, poets and playwrights, to give us the best lines for our Valentine’s Cards. Although these lines aren’t the most famous in literature, for me, these five quotes stood out as some...