This adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale is a celebration of individuality as we watch this duckling’s search to find his identity. Combat Bullying, a Nottingham-based charity that provides support for victims, have created a production that puts a fresh twist on The Ugly Duckling at the...
James Phillips’ debut play, The Rubenstein Kiss, is something you watch knowing that the story will haunt you for a long time afterwards. As the lights dim upon the last scene and the audience burst into enthusiastic applause, the end does not seem final. This play presents questions and...
Very rare is it that two Nottingham venues will put on the same show in the same week. However, Northern Ballet’s version of George Orwell’s 1984 at The Theatre Royal is as disturbing as it is beautiful – a word never normally associated with this production. 1984 follows Winston,...
“Why did the youth of other cities seem so attractive? Did the Dutch walk the streets of Guilford or Basingstoke and think, my God, just look at those people?” TITLE: US AUTHOR: DAVID NICHOLLS GENRE: FICTION PUBLISHER: HODDER AND STOUGHTON PAGES: 416 It’s been a long time since David...
Still not found your ideal travelling book for the summer? Well never fear, in Part Two of our Summer Travel Reading Guide we recommend some more essential exotic page turners to suit your every travel need. From the far reaches of India to a world of fantasy, these books...
Reading lists are out and you may be faced with a waterfall of new material to sink into. If, like me, you think it’s a tad too early to think about the official texts of your upcoming year or you’re able to balance reading for pleasure with reading for...
Summers are normally that expanse of time that we university students travel homeward after a strenuous year, only to pack another bag and travel off to another edge of the world. Whether it’s flying to a different country or embarking on a train and commuting, everyone’s summer encompasses some...