The 8th of March passed as quickly as it came. Whilst the University of Nottingham hosted an array of events to celebrate, we ask: was it enough? International Women’s Day. A commemoration of the movement for women’s rights. A celebration of two X chromosomes. 24 out of the 8760 hours...
Recently, the Students’ Union Council held a vote for the creation of gender neutral toilets on campus, but the notion failed to achieve a sufficient majority, marginalising students who do not identify as either male or female. A referendum is now going out to all UoN students, and votes...
We all have that one friend who is obsessed with the gym. It might be painful for some readers to hear that I am that friend. However, all I’ve ever really done is cardio, so when Impact Features challenged me to take on a totally different workout – involving...
It’s safe to say I’ve had a fair few weird nights out since starting uni, and I know I’m not the only one. To make myself feel better, I decided to ask some of my fellow hallmates to tell me about their craziest nights out ever. The answers were,...
You probably saw the logo everywhere. From jumpers worn by countless members of the CU (Christian Union) to Facebook posts to dedicated flyer-ers standing outside Hallward library, the undeniably edgy label of KNOWN made its way all around Uni Park campus. But what exactly was it all about? Maddie De Soyza...
We’ve all been there (or many of us, at least): you’ve overdone it at pre-drinks, peaked too soon. It’s not even 11pm and you feel as if you’re going to die. However, you are not one to let your stomach defeat you, oh no. A dedicated sesh-head to the...
Everybody knows that homelessness is a big problem in Nottingham. You can’t go for a walk through the city centre without seeing half a dozen people huddled up in their sleeping bags in the cold. A start-up company based in Nottingham, People of the Streets, is seeking to change...