Alice Calcraft The upcoming US Election, taking place on Tuesday 5 November, promises to bring change to the lives of Americans. However, due to the significance of the US as a leading global nation, the international impact of both of the candidates is crucial to consider. The...
Robert O’Connor On October 16th 2024, the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar (61), was killed by the Israeli Defence Force in a “chance encounter” in Southern Gaza. Sinwar is believed to have been one of the main architects behind the October 7th Attack on Israel in 2023, wherein,...
Robert Greenwood Evaluating the Rising Cost of Tuition and Student Debt in the UK: In case you missed the headlines recently, there are plans in government to raise tuition fees to £10,500. The blow was softened somewhat with the proposed reintroduction of Maintenance Grants of £3,500 for those who...
Thomas Martin In March 2021, a confidential meeting of senior military officials at Downing Street took place, which saw Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his team discuss a bold strategy. After two ‘futile’ months of negotiations with the EU, five million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, allegedly stamped...
Aisha Mohamed The case that shocked the French public; The trial of the ‘Degenerates’ This case shocked the French nation as defendant Dominque Pelicot,71, was accused of raping his wife, Gisele Pelicot, 72, and enlisting other men to also follow suit, for nearly a decade. The trial highlighted...